Barcoding at the Lviv Entomological School!
Karazin Kharkiv university
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and Syniohora National Nature Park (14-16th June) Ukraine
BGE’s partner institution in Ukraine, the Karazin Kharkiv university, promoted DNA barcoding methods among the entomological community in Ukraine.
The first training event for early career scientists within the BGE project in Ukraine took place during the XVІІI Lviv entomological school, on 14-16th of June 2024 at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and the Syniohora National Nature Park.

A large community of traditional taxonomists in Ukraine could serve as a bridge between legacy of morphological entomology and DNA barcoding, thus aiming to provide barcode databases with records from accurately identified specimens.
During the first day of the conference, our partners from KKNU presented an overview of the BGE project and DNA barcoding methods. On the second and third day of the meeting, the 30 participants conducted a survey of arthropods in the Ukrainian Carpathians in Syniohora National Park and collected a number of insects which were prepared for on-site DNA barcoding at the field laboratory.