Training event for early career scientists at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Text by Oleksandr Zinenko

Last 28-29 September 2024, a training event for early career scientists on mass DNA barcoding and genomics had taken place in V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. It’s the first such event held completely in person in the Karazin Safe Space in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

The event has gathered all participants of the BGE project and early career scientists: master (3) and PhD (2) students, young professionals from state institutions(2) and advanced bachelor students (3). During two days the methods of biological sample collections, preservation, express and low cost DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing individual barcodes and basics of genomics (the idea of HMW, DNA extraction and quantification) were covered in mixed lecture and hands-on activities.

The number of participants (15) was limited by the Safe space capacity and was restricted due to the safety situation in Kharkiv (several raid alerts were announced, but due to the venue of the workshop being a bomb shelter, the training did not interrupt). 

The training was very positively met: participants noted great value of hands-on workshops, in person participation and presentation of modern methods.