27 November 2023
Open Call – Biodiversity Genomics Europe – BIOSCAN
A new call has opened through the barcoding (BIOSCAN) stream of Biodiversity Genomics Europe for the wider European research community to support the project’s mission. It is aimed at researchers interested in contributing to the construction of DNA barcode reference libraries for species in Europe.
We are keen to receive applications from teams who can supply the BGE network with expertly identified specimens to the species level suitable for DNA barcoding, with specimen meta-data entered into the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) and an agreement in place to voucher the specimens in a publicly accessible repository.

This call involves a single stage application process and is open until 31st January 2024. Successful applicants will be notified by 29th February 2024. Projects should be completed before the end of April 2025 within a maximum budgeted cost of 50,000 Euros, VAT included. More information about the call can be found in this document and to submit applications please use this form. If you have any questions, contact us at: subcontracting@