Case Studies2024-10-09T11:16:19+02:00

Case Studies

Through its case studies, BGE aims to foster collaboration and synergy between genomic research, conservation practitioners, relevant stakeholders, and the general public.

Biodiversity Genomics Europe Case Studies

Diving into genomic discovery: Finalizing high-quality genomes of the Triplefin blenny and Adriatic dwarf goby

March 25th, 2025|Case Studies|

Case study Diving into genomic discovery: Finalizing high-quality genomes of the Triplefin blenny and Adriatic dwarf goby This case study,

Wood Wide Ants (WWA): genomics over space and time of the keystone forest species Formica paralugubris

February 3rd, 2025|Case Studies|

Case study Wood Wide Ants (WWA): genomics over space and time of the keystone forest species Formica paralugubris The Wood

Reference genomes illuminate the colonisation histories, adaptation, and hybridisation of two hare species

January 27th, 2025|Case Studies|

Case study Reference genomes illuminate the colonisation histories, adaptation, and hybridisation of two hare species In Finland, climate change is

Mapping the genomic basis of common thyme aromatic diversity and its adaptive significance for ecotype formation and climate change adaptation

October 21st, 2024|Case Studies|

Case study Mapping the genomic basis of common thyme aromatic diversity and its adaptive significance Thyme's diverse chemotypes provide adaptation

A High-Quality Reference Genome of one of the Rarest European Mammals, the Hungarian Birch-mouse (Sicista trizona trizona, Sminthidae, Rodentia)

September 30th, 2024|Case Studies|

Case study A High-Quality Reference Genome of one of the Rarest European Mammals, the Hungarian Birch-mouse The study will provide

From ancient DNA to modern conservation: Assessing human impact on Atlantic bluefin tuna Genomes

September 9th, 2024|Case Studies|

Case study Ancient Tuna Genomes An international team of scientists traces human-driven evolution of the Atlantic bluefin tuna from ancient

A new reference genome for the conservation of coastal spider species in the face of anthropogenic change

August 26th, 2024|Case Studies|

Case study New Genome for a Spider Endemic to Tenerife The genome of a unique beach-dwelling spider species, endemic to

Conservation genomics of the aquatic warbler, a specialist bird breeding in declining mire habitat

August 20th, 2024|Case Studies|

Case study Genomics supports aquatic warbler conservation A high-quality reference genome and new population-level genomic data will have a direct

Assessing the potential impact of Small-Scale Farming on the genetic variability and adaptation of pollinators

July 29th, 2024|Case Studies|

Case study Farming and pollinators Enhancing our scientific understanding of the genetic status of three important wild bee species.  Learn

Under pressure: population genomics in the Pannonian lineage of the Critically Endangered European hamster

April 15th, 2024|Case Studies|

Case study European hamster Hamsters are just cute. But they are also endangered in most parts of Europe. Learn how

Analysing the genomic basis of vectorial capacity and insecticide resistance in Culex species using reference genomes and population genomics.

March 26th, 2024|Case Studies|

Case study Culex mosquitoes Full genome sequencing can be crucial to understand how mosquitos spread diseases and how resistant they are

MyxoHares: Unravelling the genomic landscape of myxomatosis susceptibility in Iberian hares

March 22nd, 2024|Case Studies|

Case study MyxoHares Disease outbreaks like mixomatosis among Iberian hares are important threats to wildlife and can cause cascading disruptive


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