Get ready for BGE’s 1st All Hands Meeting in Barcelona!

Barcelona will host the first All Hands Meeting of the Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) project. Roughly one year from the

2023-08-29T16:33:46+02:00August 29th, 2023|News, Press release, Uncategorised|Comments Off on Get ready for BGE’s 1st All Hands Meeting in Barcelona!

Submit your abstract for the BGE day at Biodiversity Genomics 23!

The Biodiversity Genomics Europe consortium is organising a full day of presentations at the BG23 conference on Monday 2nd

2023-07-24T12:06:21+02:00July 24th, 2023|News, Press release, Uncategorised|Comments Off on Submit your abstract for the BGE day at Biodiversity Genomics 23!

Open Calls – Biodiversity Genomics Europe – ERGA

(from Three calls are currently open through the genome stream of Biodiversity Genomics Europe (ERGA) that will allow the

2023-07-05T17:29:46+02:00July 5th, 2023|News, Press release, Uncategorised|Comments Off on Open Calls – Biodiversity Genomics Europe – ERGA

For citizen scientists: Help us to detect invasive species in European coastal waters!

BGE wants to harness the power of citizen scientists and eDNA techniques to provide a powerful new perspective on marine

2023-04-14T09:42:02+02:00April 13th, 2023|News, Press release, Uncategorised|Comments Off on For citizen scientists: Help us to detect invasive species in European coastal waters!

Save the date: BGE will hold its first conference during BG23

BG23 has become one of the most important events on biodiversity genomics around the world. Its fourth iteration will take

2023-03-13T17:22:17+01:00March 13th, 2023|News, Press release, Uncategorised|Comments Off on Save the date: BGE will hold its first conference during BG23
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