News and events2024-02-29T08:22:33+01:00
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The Alpine chamois reference genome boosts science-informed management across Europe

March 7th, 2025|News, Press release, Uncategorised|

By Luísa Marins Researchers discuss the significance of this new genome and the need for collaborations beyond academia to protect the future of

Celebrating the “Mouse of Hungary” – the endangered Hungarian Birch Mouse is selected as Mammal of the Year 2025

March 4th, 2025|News, Press release, Uncategorised|

By Tamás Cserkész and Gábor Sramkó This tiny rodent’s genome is currently being sequenced with support from the Biodiversity Genomics Europe project. Its

From metabarcoding to omics: uncovering how soil organisms aid forest adaptation to environmental stress

February 6th, 2025|News, Press release, Uncategorised|

By N. Tourvas, V. Kotina and FA (Phil) Aravanopoulos* Forest Genetics Lab Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Videos from BGE’s attendance to the Biodiversity Genomics Conference 2024

November 27th, 2024|News, Press release, Uncategorised|

The application of genomic science to biodiversity research is driving fundamental advances in conservation science and policy. The pan-European consortium of Biodiversity Genomics

Connecting people to fascinating European species: ERGA and BGE at the Long Night of Science Berlin

July 4th, 2024|News, Press release, Uncategorised|

By Luísa Marins Dozens of scientific institutions and laboratories open their doors and invite visitors to discover their current research by interacting

BGE is looking for institutions interested in working with pollinators

January 15th, 2024|News, Press release, Uncategorised|

Biodiversity Genomics Europe is looking for partners to engage in an exciting pan-European project on pollinators in gardens and agricultural areas. It involves

Train the trainers – developing a training framework in Biodiversity Genomics

October 19th, 2023|News, Press release, Uncategorised|

By Luisa Marins (European Reference Genome Atlas, ERGA) One of the main goals of BGE is to support the new generation of researchers

For citizen scientists: Help us to detect invasive species in European coastal waters!

April 13th, 2023|News, Press release, Uncategorised|

BGE wants to harness the power of citizen scientists and eDNA techniques to provide a powerful new perspective on marine invasive species occurrence and

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